An auditor’s task is to express an opinion on the veracity of claims made by management in their financial statements. Make the quality of your opinion air-tight and put your data to work for you. You can enhance the usefulness of your data by making the hidden knowledge within it come to life.
Abnormal traits and peculiar characteristics in data speak volumes to a good auditor’s senses. WizSoft’s text and data mining tools reveal and separate the norms and the deviations which are key factors for successfully evaluating everything from mistakes and miscalculations to misappropriation and fraud.
As an auditor you want results that are reliable and relevant. Preconceptions and prior-knowledge can cloud the objectivity of an auditor. WizSoft’s unique software liberates the examiner from the type of reasoning that makes it hard to reach a completely relevant and unbiased finding. Using WizSoft data mining tools your data will reveal to you things that you never even thought of. Discover the power of the unknown.
Develop a time and labor efficient strategy for meeting the challenges of:
- attestation and assurance needs
- review and compilation demands
- fraud and forensic investigation needs
Wizsoft data mining programs provide some of the most useful and reliable tools available to strengthen your decision-making process.